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Just haviing a strong cramping sensation, does not mean you are pregnant, you could miss this months period entirely and it could well come on time next months cycle.

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Q: If a woman is almost 5 days late and having a cramping sensation could she be pregnant?
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I don't think so- that's happened to me before, and I've never been pregnant and am not.

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It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.

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That is normal. To a women in a pregnut stadge you will fell that almost 35% of the birth cycle will resolt in pain Best thing to do is take as many WARM baths a day as you can

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Cramping isn't a sign of pregnancy, but it may be a sign of infection. If you're having pain, see your health care provider for an exam. If you think you may be pregnant, take a home pregnancy test.

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Having cramping is normal my doctor told me, im 8weeks almost nine and i still get very very bad cramping. The cramping is due to stretching of the uterus so the baby can grow! However if there is bleeding you should immediatley go to the hospital, because that is a sign of a of luck to u.