Yes you can be pregnant, i had mild period like cramping when i fell pregnant with my 3 kids.
Headache is not a symptom of pregnancy.
no it is not normal.
If YOUR having MY period, and I'M having some pains like YOUR pregnant, then WE BOTH BETTER HAVE SOME TESTS DONE because there are some mysterious happenings going on!
You might be pregnant - take a test
Yes it is.
Take a test
Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. Watery discharge, butterflies, and lower back pains are not signs of pregnancy.
I've had 3 miscarriage. I'm 3 weeks pregnant & I started spotting an having slight pains in my back and stomach.What could be some of the reason for this to keep happening? == ==
You are not pregnant. The pains could be caused by something you ate, etc.
If you are at 36 weeks pregnant and having sharp vaginal pains, it could be caused by the cervix dilating. This can happen days or weeks prior to actual delivery.
Obviously you cannot be pregnant if you're menstruating - menstruation occurs when you don't fall pregnant. If sexually active you need to learn about your cycles and how conception occurs.