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Q: What extended choke tubes fit yildiz 20 gauge?
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What aftermarket choke tubes will fit Yildiz over and under shotgun?

Briley makes choke tubes for Yildiz guns but only in 12 gauge Trulock is making them now in standard and extended versions.

Can you shoot steel shot in 20 gauge Baikal side by side with screw in choke tubes?

Only with cylinder and improved cylinder choke tubes.

What is the difference between extended and flush choke tubes?

Extended - extends beyond the barrel Flush - does not extend beyond the barrel

Where to get the value of your shotgun I have a Browning A-500 Auto Belgium made with invector choke tubes?

What gauge and grade is it?

What brand of choke tubes will fit a 12 gauge Smith and Wesson Model 1000?

Browning Invector.

What is a browning gold 3.5 invector?

A 12 gauge shotgun with changeable choke tubes that fires 3.5" shells.

What is an invector choke system?

Browning made choke tubes.

Where can you get choke tubes for a Kassnar Churchill Windsor you 10 gauge shotgun?

Try gun shops, gun shows, want ads,

What choke tubes will fit in a Stoeger IGA Condor 1 20 gauge over and under shotgun?

mossburge chokes r the same as stoegers

What is the difference in modified and in-vector choke?

Modified describes a choke. Invector is a system of choke tubes.

How do you change the choke on a 12 gauge J C Higgins shotgun?

You don't give us the model, so it is hard to answer the question. Assuming the gun does not have an obvious adjustable choke, the choke is probably not easily adjustable. A gunsmith can open the choke (from Full to Modified for example) or can install internal interchangeable choke tubes (costs around $125).

Will Baikal choke tubes fit a Spartan?

I am a gun dealer in Asheboro, NC (Franks gun and pawn). Yes, the Baikal choke tubes will fit. This gun is made by Baikal for Remington. It used to be imported under the EAA name. You can also get tubes at Colonial choke tubes.