usually the use of these substances causes one to not achieve their goals
for example, i do no drugs or alcohol and i have a 3.9 GPA and am attending college for engineering.
my friends that don't do drugs have significantly higher grades and better attendance than my friends who do drugs.
Well from being a body builder and a past smoker I can honestly say that if you want to be fit and stay healthy DO NOT smoke cigarettes. You might not notice the effects from smoking right away but a year from now you wont be able to run a quarter mile without being winded.. trust me. And as far as alcohol goes id say just make it a special occasion to go out and drink. Beer has loads and loads of calories in it, why we have terms like beer gut or stomach caygs etc. Best way to stay fit- eat healthy
Smoking and alcohol intake have been implicated in cataract formation.
smoking alcohol and drugs
smoking what? a cigarette? marijuana?
Smoking affects the whole body. Specifically the lungs, and circulatory system.
it destroys the lungs
Your entire body is affected.
effects of drugs,diet,,smoking,alcohol on the body
yes as it will not affect your body but if you mixed alcohol with cannabis it could really harm you!!
Alcohol affects every cell in the body.
alcohol effects your immune system and your liver.
Lungs mostly.