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The whole, left ear gay, right ear straight has pretty much slipped through the cracks of time.

For the most part, women have predominately worn both ears pierced. If you want to do just one ear, there is no meaning behind just having one ear pierced. Pick an ear and put a whole in it! I would suggest that if you are just going to pierce one ear, have fun with it, and do multiple piercings in it. Example is to do like an industrial, or multiple cartilage piercings up the side. Something to make it look intentional so people are not asking if you lost an earring.

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Q: What ear do straight girls wear 1 earring in?
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Great answer. I'm a staight man who wears an earring in my left ear. After I got my earring in my left ear, the bug bit me to pierce my right ear. It totally hit me. I had to get that earring in my right ear. I

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I believe the myth was stated to be the left ear.

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Yes, but he doesn't wear an earring anymore.

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Unless they choose to wear them elsewhere they still wear then on there ring finger of the left hand.

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What ear should a woman wear one earring?

Whichever you want. There's no such thing as a gay ear or anything like that :)

What side do you put your earring on for guys?

most lads have earrings on there left ear.

What does it mean if a guy has his left ear pierced?

It means he's a guy who likes to wear an earring. A lot of guys get their left earlobes pierced; in some places it's about as common for a guy to have his left ear pierced as for girls to have their ears pierced--and most girls have pierced ears.

Why girls pierce ear what is scientific reason behind piercing ear?

You may find that there is no scientific reason girls and boys pierce their ears, it is just for glamour reasons. It is not dangerous and you don't get a disease from it. The worst that can happen is that it gets infected, you have to let it heal and let it heal again. Girls pierce ears for fashion or cultural reason. There is no scientific reason for it. When ears are pierced, the earring is less likely to be painful to wear. Those who do not have pierced ears must wear a pinch type earring which can hurt the ear. Piercing the ear gives a means to "hang" the earring in a substantial bit of fat. It is less painful than the alternative.

Why wear a small earring in the left ear and a big earring in the right ear?

It's done because it's a personal sense of style. SOme people find it more "cool" to do it that way, others don't.

Did Paul Kruger wear a earring?

Apparently he was always photographed to show only one ear, since he had an earring in the other ear. I am not sure if there is any evidence to prove this. One may have to study all the photos in order to find one that reveals a portion of an earring.