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Like normal pee.

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Q: What does your pee feel like when you are pregnant?
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How girl feel holding pee?

They feel pressure in the bladder, like they have to go. when a girl has to pee really bad she starts to feel pressure in the lower abdomen.

Why do i feel cold and need to pee a lot?

If a person is cold a lot and has to pee often may have a cold. The person could also be pregnant, because the urge to pee is a sign of pregnancy.

4 weeks pregnant feel bloated?

I am 4 weeks pregnant and feel a little heavy in the lower abdomen, but feel huge and bloated after i eat. Right after my period was due my boobs started to kill me and starting to pee alot.

What do you feel like when you are pregnant but dont know you are pregnant.?

The same as you always feel.

If a toilet paper have pee and then you get that toilet and used it do you get pregnant?

no you can not get pregnant for pee. only semen

Why do you pee a lot are you pregnant?

wel normally if u pee alot u are pregnant

Do toys senses it when you p?

toys like to feel pee

Where do polar bears pee?

Anywhere they feel like peeing.

Can you still be pregnant if you are 4 days late feel like throwing-up breast feel fuller and pee alot low sugar dissy tired headaches offon and have this chucky feeling in you throat but test was neg?

No, you can't. If the test is negative your are definitely not pregnant. Your hormones are just out of whack.

When you masturbate-you feel like you need to pee is this semen?

If you are male then yes it is.

Were to put in a pregnant test?

you pee on a pregnant test

Do all pregnant women pee there pants when there pregnant?
