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I am 4 weeks pregnant and feel a little heavy in the lower abdomen, but feel huge and bloated after i eat. Right after my period was due my boobs started to kill me and starting to pee alot.

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Q: 4 weeks pregnant feel bloated
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There is no absolute answer. Some women get bloated just before a period and they will get bloated just the same but no period will come because they are pregnant so they stay bloated . Some women don't get bloated at all. I don't, lucky me.

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Ask your Mom

Is it normal to be very bloated and look 4 months pregnant after a c section and tubal ligation?

I am 31 years old and a mother of four. I had a c-section and a tubal ligation after I had my 4th daughter. I feel very bloated on my stomach and look six months pregnant. I feel this has got to do with the tubal ligation that I've had. Anyone who can help me out or who has the same symptoms?

If you are16 weeks pregnant how many months is that?

...Divide..... 16 weeks pregnant....4 weeks per month... 16/4=4 months.

If you are 16 weeks pregnant how many months is that?

There are 13 weeks in a 3-month period. You are 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant.

You had protected sex and then 10 days after you menstruated normally Now it's been 4 weeks and you don't feel anything What are the chances that you are pregnant?

you are very pregnant

If you were 23 weeks pregnant on your ultrasound and went back 4 weeks later how many weeks should you be?

if you are 23 weeks pregnant , then go back 4 weeks later you should be 27 weeks pregnant. Almost 7 months.

How Many weeks are you when your a month pregnant?

4 weeks

If you have implanon and have your period with 4 weeks?

i had to impanon fitted and two weeks later came on a light period, and 8 days later im still on, but its like the browny discharge stuff now! and i have sore boobs and feel bloated!! hope this helps?

You had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago dr said hcg levels dropped but still feel pregnant?

i think i had a miscarriage, but i never knew i was pregnant. how do i find out for sure