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Ovaries produce eggs which travel to the uterus. There they will either get fertilized by sperm or the the uterus will shed its lining, which causes a period.

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Q: What does the ovary produce in the menstrual cycle?
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Can you still produce eggs if you have not had a menstrual cycle?

No you only produce eggs during your menstrual cycle

Where does the ovum mature during your period?

The ovum matures in the ovary during your menstrual phase. Then later in your menstrual cycle the egg will burst from the ovary during ovulation.

When the egg released from the ovary?

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle. (during first two weeks)

What occurs on the 14 day of the menstrual cycle?

Typically on day 14 of the menstrual cycle is when ovulation occurs - when an egg is released from the ovary. However everyone's menstrual cycles are different, if the cycle is longer it's likely ovulation occurs far later in the cycle than this.

What occurs in a woman's body during a menstrual cycle?

The egg matures in the ovary and then released and into the uterus.

Why is the menstrual cycle so important?

The menstrual cycle is where the woman release an egg. If the egg is fertilized, she will become pregnant and produce a child. The menstrual cycle is important for human reproduction.

Directly regulates the menstrual or uterine cycle?

The menstrual cycle occurs when the egg is not fertilised by sperms and comes out through the vagina in the form of blood and an egg. It is regulated by the ovary and the uterus.

What are two important functions of the ovaries?

The ovaries have two functions: they produce eggs (also called ova) and female hormones. The size of each ovary is about 1.5 inches long. Each month, during the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through a fallopian tube to the uterus. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone). These hormones control the development of female body characteristics, such as the breasts, body shape, and body hair. The ovaries also regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

The two phases covering the first half and second half of menstrual cycle respectively?

The two phases of the menstrual cycle are as follows: Pre ovulatory phase (before ovulation or release of egg from the ovary) Post ovulatory (after ovulation)

What is the meaning of ovaries?

of Ovary

What is the difference between the ovarian and menstrual cycles?

The menstrual cycle is the shedding of the endometrium of the uterus.The ovarian cycle occurs about 14 days after the menstrual cycle and is when ovulation occurs (release of an oocyte, or egg)The menstrual cycle and the ovulation cycle are the same thing, the reproductive cycle is the process of releasing an egg from the ovary and if pregnancy doesn't occur the uterine lining that has built-up to support the potential pregnancy is shed. The different names just relate to different events withi the cycle: ovulation and menstruation.The menstrual cycle is how often you get a period, where you bleed. The ovarian cycle is where you ovulate. It is associated with the menstrual cycle, because you ovulate on the 14th day, but it is separate from menstruating