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A green dot beside a name means the person is online at that moment.

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Q: What does the green dot symbol next to a friend's name mean when you go on Facebook?
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What does green dot on facebook mean?

If you are referring to the green dot by a friends name, it shows that the friend is online.

In Facebook does the green circle on your friends contact list mean their online using Facebook or, does it just mean that's the last time they sent a message using messenger?


What does heart symbol mean on Facebook?

I Want YOU !!

If someone searches for you on Facebook do they appear on your 'suggested friends' list?

No it does not mean they searched for you... When its says suggested friends either facebook or one of your friends suggested them to you...

If a guy denies your Facebook request and he knows who you are does it mean he hates you?

No, it does not mean he hates you. He simply does not want to be friends with you on Facebook.

In the Facebook chat bar what does it mean when there?

It means you can chat to people on Facebook who are your friends and are online when you are.

What does truth is mean on Facebook?

share with your friends and chating

How do you add a family member to Facebook?

Do you mean, "How do you add a family member to your friends on facebook?" Or do you mean, "How do you add family members on your facebook profile, saying 'family'?"

On facebook what does it mean to follow?

It means that you can see their posts but you are not friends with them.

What does the clear circle mean and the green circle mean on Facebook chat?

green means available. clear means idle.

When someone says Y in brackets on Facebook or msn what does it generally mean?

It means the thumbs up symbol but it does not make one on facebook.

What does fb friends mean?

FB friend refers to the relationship between two friends that are connected on