If you are referring to the green dot by a friends name, it shows that the friend is online.
A green dot beside a name means the person is online at that moment.
A green dot means the artwork is under option. It is possible that there is more than one green dot, when there are multiple options.
it means that the person is not actually using facebook at that time they are on a next site but their still signed in facebook
If the dot is GREEN, that means the person is actively using Facebook at that moment.If the dot is a GREY MOON then that means the person is on idle and most likely won't reply to you.
it mens are they online
The green dot next to the name is the status. It means if a person is available, busy, invisible etc. Green dot means available to chat and message.
Click on the chat box at the bottom of the screen, if anyone is online there will be a green dot by their name. Also, on your main page (where you see your News Feed), on the left hand side, Facebook shows icons for your friends who have recently been on-line. The ones with a green square in the corner (or a green dot when you run the cursor over them) indicate the friends that are currently on-line.
stoms and tonados
it means`s a green dot with 9 white lines though the lower halfof it.
The dot next to your name means that you are on-line and can chat with your friends who also have g-mail. If your friends have a green dot it means they are on-line.
it means IdleSo how can a person actively chatting be "idle"?
green means available. clear means idle.