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Hidden fats are fats that are harder to detect in other foods that may contribute significant amounts of fat to our diets. Foods that contain hidden fat may include whole milk, pastries, cookies, cake, cheese, Hot Dogs, crackers, French fires, and Ice cream.

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What is hidden fat?

invisible fat

What does Invisible fats include the fats in?

There are fats hidden in foods that are not obvious, such as fat used in baking (for instance, in muffins or pie crust, which both have a significant amount of fat). There is also fat hidden in meats. The fats that are not hidden refer to spreads and dressings you add to your food that you can see. Others you have to find by reading the ingredients or realizing that fat is used in their preparation (such as foods that are fried, like french fries, fried chicken, or donuts).

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Fat live fat

What hidden fats should you avoid?

Saturated Fat

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The Dr- Oz Show - 2009 The Hidden Reasons You're Fat 5-47 was released on: USA: 13 November 2013

Can I use low-fat or fat-free Ranch dressing in Ranchology Recipes?

Yes! Hidden Valley Ranch offers a variety of dressings, including low-fat and fat-free options, that can be used in Ranchology Recipes.

How many songs by kings of leon are there?

If you dis-include their B-sides and hidden tracks then they have 62 if you include their B-sides and hidden tracks then they have 69.

How do meat make you gain weight?

Because it has fats hidden in the maet even if you take the fat out.

Nervous is to tense as hidden is to what?

nervous:tense::hidden:______This analogy could be said as:If you are nervous then you aretense. If you are hidden then you are...Nervous is a synonym of tense. Hidden is a synonym of...In reality, any word that is a synonym of hidden would work:Synonyms of hidden that would work in this analogy include concealed and obscured.

How many weight watcher points is hidden valley ranch made with low fat milk and low fat mayo?

2 Tablespoons is 2 Points

What are some adjectives from the book Among the hidden?

Some adjectives from the book "Among the Hidden" include secretive, fearful, oppressed, and courageous.