Spotting is just when there are small amounts of blood in your discharge. If this is just before your period then it is likely just the start of your period.
First trimester spotting and/or bleeding is fairly common. It is likely that is what you were experiencing.
For a 15-45x60 model, then, you have a spotting scope with a zoom magnification range of 15-45x with a front lens of 60mm diameter.
It probably doesn't mean anything if your period is 15 days early. However, if it continues contact your doctor and have her check you out.
You ovulate 14 days before your period starts. Therefore you ovulate on approximately Day 15 (remembering that Day 1 is the first day of your period).
It could be. Maybe what you thought your period was just spotting before the actual period. That can happen. If you have just started puberty it takes a year or two before your cycle settles down to a regular cycle. This could be happening with you since you are 15. I will warn you the same thing happens when menopause starts when you are older. No one warns you about these things. I suggest you keep a calendar of your period and see if you see a pattern developing.
If you got your period you're probably fine, as long as you're sure it's your period and not spotting. However if you're really nervous I would take a home test just to be sure. You'll be fine. how
well it depends if its not before 15 you SHOULD ask a doctor
N means nitrogen.It is placed in group-15.
Brown discharge is known as spotting, it's caused when there is light bleeding which mixes with discharge and because the bleeding is so light it takes time to leave the vagina so thus becomes brown in colour. This can be a sign you're starting your period, but it can also happen due to hormonal imbalance while your body readies itself to start ovulating (and in turn start menstruating).
they look at when you has your last period. you ovulate 10-15 days before you have a period and you can only conceive when you're ovulating.
it is possible to pregnant with the IUD take a urine test