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If you got your period you're probably fine, as long as you're sure it's your period and not spotting. However if you're really nervous I would take a home test just to be sure. You'll be fine.


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Q: If you had a sex and after 15 days you got a periods then is it possible to get pregnant then too?
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after seven days of stoping the birth control completely runs out

I got your periods after 40 days but it is not like the usual periods does this mean you are pregnant?

You should ask a doctor. I do not know. Sorry.

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Having your period usually means that you aren't pregnant. Most women get pregnant midway betweem their periods.

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No,you might have had a miscarage and yes you can get your period while pregnant

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yes, but it isn't as likely. there is a very slim chance to be pregnant and still have your periods. but it is still possible, you might want to take a home pregnancy test. just to be on the safe side.

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Yes, bodies aren't clockwork-perfect.

Can pregnancy occur two weeks after period?

Yup, it's possible. I got pregnant 1o days after mine :)

Do a girl got to be on a periods to get pregnant?

yes she has to already of had her period to get pregnant and the hymen has to broken too

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It's possible to lactate without getting pregnant. Some men lactate, so don't be too shocked

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