It is a stupid gangster way of saying "son" like "what is up sahn." Actually, a sahn is a courtyard outside a mosque.
text mean massage
BAC in text means by any chance.
LHH in a text means:
if someone says shoot me a textit means to text them.
same to you
perhaps you mean pronounce ;-pSantiago is pronounced sahn-TYAH-go
Seung Sahn died on 2004-11-30.
Seung Sahn was born on 1927-08-01.
a place in a mosque
sahn-TEHR (×¡× ×˜×¨)
Sahn is the courtyard. In olden times, the courtyard would have a well or some water source for Muslim men to perform their ablutions.
The French word "santé" is pronounced as "sahn-tay," with the emphasis on the last syllable. The pronunciation is similar to saying "sahn" for the first part and "tay" for the second part.
"Sante" is pronounced as "sahn-tay." The emphasis is on the second syllable.
"San Felipe" means "Saint Philip". It is pronounced "Sahn Fay-LEE-pay". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation. Actually, a better pronunciation would be: "Sahn FEH-Lee-PEH" its the name of a neighborhood in the town I live in
text mean massage