i love you. or internet lost yield - if connected to gsm router interval lost you
text mean massage
BAC in text means by any chance.
HTTP stands for Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol.
if someone says shoot me a textit means to text them.
website or internet
Well ihh means I hate him bt lhh means laughn hella hard
Lhh chfkbmhmbk
You do get internet conextion on text now but only were their is internet connection and only if you have internet
The Internet slang " ttreeh" is an exclamation used when someone is shocked.
i think that you can't text off the Internet.
Yes. You will need internet to text using text plus.
In text messaging WUBUT is an acronym for "What you been up to?" It is internet slang or lingo that is used in text messages and instant messages.
NTH stands for nothing in internet slang.
Internet Sacred Text Archive was created in 1999.
I think it may mean 'gotta go now' is it often at the end of the text?