It can mean a few things, it can mean you are pregnant, or if you are on the pill then its the pill trying to regulate your period. It happened to me when i started the pill... but take a test just in case
If your period is a month late or you miss a period it can simply mean you didn't ovulate that month due to stress or ill health, there are various possible reasons. The odd late or absent period is nothing to worry about, if you miss more than three cycles in a row then see your doctor.
you might be pregnant
Being late 3 days is nothing. It can even skip a month all naturally. The body is not always on the clock.
Yes, it can. I dated a girl who had a month-late period at least three times during our relationship, due to stress.
You are not possibly pregnant until it is a month late. Don't stress it. Cycles can vary from 28-38 days normally.
i don't known, in period at november 15th and next month at december 23rd. there is any problem in this period. kindly reply the answer's just about normal.some people have their period once a month and others skip a month or so and have it the next month.
I think you are pregnant!! hope you are happy and godspeed you and your family
From my experience when I was late with period and white or clear discharged I was pregnant all three times . the period never came .But it could also just mean you are late or not going to have a period this month it is normal to skip a month. Go see your GYN doctor..Good-luck *Another answer* If the discharge is brownish,it could wither be your period or pregnancy,so I would go and see a doctor to confirm what the problem is
this happened to me when i was pregnant! hope this helps...and hope you are trying!
Well it can mean that one your body didn't produce an egg this month or you could be pregnant we don't fully understand why some women don't have to have a period every month but don't be alarmed wait til next month if you still haven't had one get a pregnancy test.