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It could be a lot of diffrent things.. Stress, weight loss or gain, Sports, or even a posabliaty of Pregnancy.

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Q: What does it mean when your period is 3 days late?
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What does it mean when you haven't gotten your period for 3 days when you were suppose to get it?

3 days isn't very late as periods are often irregular, if you have had unprotected sex then it is possible you could be pregnant, however the more you worry about a late period the later it will come.

What does it mean when you have a full period one month and a period that lats 3 days the next month?

Being late 3 days is nothing. It can even skip a month all naturally. The body is not always on the clock.

What are the chances a girl is pregnant if she gets her period late and it ends early?

I have before my period, I start my period for 3 days then My period was stop after my period for 3 days, I want to know what happened to me?

You spotted for 5 days Period 3 days late?

You should go see your doctor.

Your period was 1 day late and 3 days long when its usually 5 days are you pregnant?

An irregularity in your period does not mean you are pregnant. If you are getting your period at all then you are most likely not pregnant. It could be just a change in your diet or excess stress.

What does it mean when your period was a month late and when it did come it was brown and it only lasted 3 days?

where you taking birth control pills? if so that's probably why

Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant when she sees her period 3 days late?

If your period arrived 3 days late then you are not pregnant. In very, very rare cases some women see some blood spotting throughout a pregnancy which they mistake for a period and do not know they are pregnant but if your period just arrived a few days later than normal then it would seem that you are not pregnant.

Is it ok if a period is 3 days late when it's only your second?

Ya that's normal.

Last period was march 27Th now it's April 30Th 3 days late 34 days since last period when should you test for pregnancy?

No necessary just yet. Wait until you're about 15 days late.

Your period was 3 days late but you started your period are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.

Do you need to take trust pills when im 3 days delay of menstruation?

It's too late for contraception if your period is already late.

What if you period is 3 days late?

you might be pregnant; or it might not be regular. wait a wk. and then take a test. (: