it means your crush likes your best friend
i would ignore(not completely) their best friend just enough to let him know you don't like him and then flirt with your crush and see what happens...
No or maybe because they don't want to admit it cause they know the girl is his crushes friend.
Ask him if he likes u, and if he denies it tell him u have a crush on him and see if he says he likes u.
YEA! Lucky you he likes you but maybe u should ask him if he likes u after u tell him about what his friend said
With me, I was able to tell my crush liked me because he acted different, good different, when he was around me and not his friends. If your crushes friend tries to make you laugh, it is possible he likes you, but maybe he just wanted to tell a silly joke. Best way to find out is to ask them. Good Luck!
try acting like urself
you ask your crush's best friend to ask your crush who your crush likes(it may not work but just try)
by the way your crush acts and looks around your friend
i think you need to talk to your crush about your friends crush who has a crush you on you and your sister knows about your crushes crush who wont tell you who they're like TOTALLY crushing on but they want to but promised your crush they wouldn't tell you who their crush was because their mom wont let her date and her sister is only a year older but she's allowed its SOOO not fair omg like wtf, and my sisters crush doesnt even like her so omg like LAWLZ!
BE HONEST. It sucks,( for your friend) and it awkward for you but in the end it's better to tell your best friend. Maybe the crush has a friend for your besty