he likes you he's try to get you to like him, I'd say laugh and flirt, it'll make him feel great.
With me, I was able to tell my crush liked me because he acted different, good different, when he was around me and not his friends. If your crushes friend tries to make you laugh, it is possible he likes you, but maybe he just wanted to tell a silly joke. Best way to find out is to ask them. Good Luck!
Their a dick and might have been dared into talking to you.:D
It could mean anything. Maybe you friend thinks you and your crush would be good together.
He has an interest in you and basically may have a crush or admires you ;)
when a boy makes you laugh but doesn't really talk to you it only means one thing and it is that he has a crush on you!
If your good friends... Nothing really. But if he smiles at you and you don't really know each other... I'm pretty sure he has some feelings for you :)
In fact, he's wanting to laugh, and is using you to make him laugh too.
I think it means that they bet they can make you laugh.
he or she probably does like you but tries to not show it or he/she just wants to spend time with you and get to know you
She likes you. Girls always want attention from the boy they like whether they make it overly obvious or not, if they make it obvious it just means they have a stronger personality and more determination.
A horse laugh is just a big laugh. The person wants to make you the butt of a joke.
If a girl tries to kiss your stomach, she may have a major crush on you. If you know her well enough to let her kiss your stomach, you probably know her well enough to ask her why she does it.