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If your good friends... Nothing really. But if he smiles at you and you don't really know each other... I'm pretty sure he has some feelings for you :)

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Q: What does it mean when a boy tries to make you laugh?
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What does it mean when a boy is trying to make you laugh all the time?

In fact, he's wanting to laugh, and is using you to make him laugh too.

How can you know that a boy likes you?

always staring at you and facing you and tries to see you smile and laugh

What if a boy flicks you off or tries to make you mad does that mean he likes you?

yeah he does (flirting)

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if the boy tries to pull down ur pants and raspe her =) he will be around u and try to make u laugh

How do you tell the boy you like likes you?

* want to talk to you more * calls you * talks to you * hangs around you more * has plenty of comments about you * looks at you * tries to hide his flaws from you * tries to make you laugh alot * ask you alot of questions * gets nervous about relationship questions or liking you questions * tries to make you jelous

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this boy is very "simpatico"! he's a person who make someone laugh, but he's not a stupid boy, he's cool!

How do you know if a boy is trying to impress you and tries to make you look at him?

When he tries to speak to you a lot, make you laugh, sometimes guys do ridiculous things to get a girl to look at them. But honestly you should go for the ones who actually deserve to have a girlfriend, other than ones who just want one for the sake of it.

Who do you know a boy likes you?

If they make you laugh or they tell you.

What does it mean when a boy makes you laugh but doesn't really talk to you?

when a boy makes you laugh but doesn't really talk to you it only means one thing and it is that he has a crush on you!

How do you know how a boy feel for you?

If a boy fancy you they will play with you, sit next to you, make you laugh and always make you happy.

What does it mean when a boy tries to take off your shoe?

well it depends on the relation of that boy and a girl........

What does it mean when a boy has a girlfriend but makes you laugh a lot?

A very good and intelligent boy who loves to make people especially his close friends laugh. A very innocent teenagers with a heart of gold. You are very lucky to have a close friend like him. Treasure it and respect it.