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It may mean that his friend is trying to tell him that you're staring.

Or that the girl he likes/talks about is looking his way.

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Q: What does it mean when you look at a guy and his friends nudge him?
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How can you get this guy to ask you out?

Well, I can tell by how you said it that you like him and he likes you and its been like that for a long time. He has to get a 'nudge' by his friends.

What does that mean if the guy you like's friends know about you and look at you when they see you?

nothing! they maybe know that the guy you like likes you back!

What does is mean if a guy you stare at stares at you back then his friends look?

if a guy you stare at stares back and then his friends do then that means most likely he likes you he may like you but he could also be talking about you to his friends.

How do you use the word nudge in sentence?

Go over there and give that guy a little nudge off of the cliff.

What does it mean when a guy ask you do you have any hot friends?

He is asking you do you have any friends that look good or have a good body. Something very similar to that.

Does that mean the guy you like like you too if he talks to his friends about you and they look at you whenever they see you?

If he talks about you with his friends and you find him looking at you then yeah! It may mean he likes you back so keep an eye out. This is coming from a guy. Usually when a guy likes a girl they start talking about them to there friends. And when ever they see the person they like, shy guys would look away, but if a guy is really into you they're usually looking at you whenever they get a chance.

How do you get a guy to look and look at you?

Try to make friends with him or make friends with his friends and the best way is to look fabulous so all they can look at is you

What does that mean if most of the guy you like's friends look at you when you're around?

it means they like you or they think your cute or hot.

Would a guy say really mean things to you just to make himself look cool in front of his friends?

if he does--DUMP HIM!

When a guy stares at a girl does she usually look away first?

If you are with your friends, look away and face your friends when a guy looks at you, laugh like one of your friends just said something funny and let the guy think you are having fun.

What if you like a guy but are afraid of what others would think if you went out?

I mean...these people I'm worried about are my friends..... Ok you should still go for it it is your life and your friends can not contorl your descisions. If they are real friends then they should just look over it. But deffinatly talk to them and the guy about it.

What does it mean if a guy says to a girl friends then?

it means he wants to be friends.