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if a guy you stare at stares back and then his friends do then that means most likely he likes you he may like you but he could also be talking about you to his friends.

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Q: What does is mean if a guy you stare at stares at you back then his friends look?
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If she stare at me then I look at her and she keeps staring at me?

Is she stares at you and then continues to stare at you when you look at her, she may be crushing on you.

Is stares plural or singular?

The NOUN stares is plural (more than one stare, or look). The present tense verb conjugation stares is used only for the third-person singular (he, she, or it stares).

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You know when a girl has a crush on you when she either tells you hi or gets shy and nervous around you, stares at you often, and then looks away when you look back at her, and if you hear her friends giggle, whisper, talk, and stare at you as you walk past their group.

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Its because your in love.

How do you show you like a girl without everyone knowing?

Stare at he until she stares at you and then quickly look away.

What if the boy you like stares at your but?

It means that he thinks you are cute and wants you to look at him back. Flirt with him. If he doesn't like that, then he is just being a boy and boys stare at girls buts all the time.

How long can you hold a stare with a girl you like With out being a weirdo and also if a girl stares at you after you stare at her then she looks for a sec then you turn away does she know i like her?

yes She would know if you stare then look away. You could tell her how you feel or you might not want to depending on the situation. She knows. You could probaly hold less than 5 secs approx with out being a stare. If you have constant stares or chekc her out then you look like a perv.

Will a guy get mad because a girl stares at him and always look or stare for over half a year?

no, but he may get a little creeped-out.

Whenever I stare at this girl she looks down but when I look away she always stares at me does she like me?

When a girl turns when your looking at her but stares when your not looking means she does like you. The girl is just a little shy.

What it means when you stare someone and she stares back?

If a girl continues to stare at you after the initial look, it is likely that she likes you.

When I Look at Unknown girl she also look back me 1 I Looked at her that why she looked back me or 2 I am good looking so she looked back?

if you look a t a girl or stare at her she will have some feeling that someone is staring at her its called sixth sense, after she knows who she was staring at she will break her stare from you and will continue to mind her own business. if she stares at you for some while not becoz of her sixth sense she is definitely trying to describe you by you're body language.

Does the guy still like you if he doesn't go near you anymore but still stares at you for a long time?

Well depending, on which stare he gives you, is it that light stare or that stare where he is kinda acting like what are you looking at or why the heck are you looking at me?! look. If it's that light look, he's totally into you, if not sorry... (: