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It doesn't mean anything special and have a physical explanation:

The placenta produces progesterone, which not only relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus but also the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This means gastric acids seeps back up and cause heart burn.

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Q: What does it mean when you have heart burn while being pregnant?
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Heart burn ?

If you have heartburn and some discomfort in your belly are you pregnant?

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That is a gross question. Ask something about cars that transform into robots.

What happens if you burn your stomach while pregnant?

if you're worried it will hurt the baby, it wont it will just hurt you

Do you usually have heart burn when your five weeks pregnant?

Yes, heartburn is a common side effect in pregnancy no matter how far along you are.

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Ectopic pregnancy has nothing to do with heart burn.

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Heart rate to burn the most fat

Should you hold a test tube while being heated?

no, you'll burn yourself

Is burning sensation in the chest is the sign of pregnancy?

It can be. Many women that are pregnant have a burning sensation (heart burn) in there early and later stages. In there early stages it can happen if they eat food or drink acidy drinks. In the later stages the baby pushes your acid up to you chest which also causes heart burn

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He face heart burn , vomiting and bad headaches

What are the causes of heart burn?

the real cause of heart burn is acid in the tummy and burns like the mad