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It means that it's a right side nostril piercing, nothing more, nothing less. Dont get caught up in the "BS" logic, if you have this pierced youre "this" if you have this side piercing here youre a "that". It's all a Big Story, don't listen to that garbage. A piercing is nothing more than a piercing, an experssion of your own personal style, nothing more.

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Q: What does it mean when you get your nose pierced on the right?
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What does it mean if you dream about getting your nose pierced?

i think it means u really want to get your nose pierced

If you pierce your nose on the right what does it that mean?

It means you have the right side of your nose pierced, there is no meaning in North American Culture for nose piercing. It's a matter of personal style and fashion, what looks good on you.

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Right side.

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Where did you get your nose pierced?

In your nose.

What side of your nose should you pierced?

right because it will look cool maybe

Should the nose be pierced on the crease of the nose?

The nose jewelry piece should be right under the crease of your nose. Otherwise it is up to high where more nerves lay.

What sde of your nose should you geet pierced?

RIGHT! I had the same question when I went to get my nose pierced! I asked around for months and everyone that I seen had it on the right side! OH here is a tip! Don't remove it before the time frame that is given!

What side does Jordan Witzigreuter nose pierced on?

Actually, he has his nose pierced on the BOTH sides!

What does a pierced right ear mean?

There used to be a standard that guys with their right ears pierced were gay and their left ears pierced were straight. It doesn't have to mean anything. And that is really outdated.

What can you do to your nose?

get it pierced.

Does it mean if you get the right side of your nose pierced?

There is no meaning in North American culture to which side of the nose a piercing is on, never has been and never will. In the Indian culture they were under the Cass system and it held meaning for them, but not in North America.