it means that they would buy more attention from you and let you see what they got that you dont have
It means he's really into you and wants to see if you like him back!!!
Usually, when someone says it will make your ex-crush jealous, it typically means exactly what it sounds like. If you post a picture of you and this person, someone is going to get jealous. Whether you are a guy or a girl, someone that likes you is going to get jealous when they see you with someone else, especially if you like them instead.
if yours ex tries to make you jealous after breaking up it means that they still have feelings for you but they don't want you to know that they still love you
Don't turn it on. If you mean how to prevent it starting when someone tries to, you can disconnect the battery.
When a guy flirts with another girl just to make you jealous then he is extremely immature and has no regard for your feelings. Tell him to take a hike and when he decides to grow up then he can come see you. Don't ever let any guy treat you with disrespect.
It mean there in love so find another person to make them jealous
Jealous means envious or wanting something someone else has. 'He was jealous of his brother's good fortune.' Sometimes it means you are protective of what you already have. 'The lords were jealous of their privileges.'
Basically being mad that someone has something that you wish you had.
He was most likely asking because he didn't know who you were waving at and he wanted to know to make sure it wasn't him to make you confused.
I think it means that the person saying it thinks he won't even be jealous after the other person says they're jealous.
That he either wants to make them jealous or he's trying to get the ex to leave him alone and get the message that he's over her
the phrase vied for attention is when someone or something tries to be noticed and tries to get attention Hope this helps.