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it means they like you but dont want to be with you

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Q: What does it mean when someone says that you are a very nice person?
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When a girl says that you not bad means that she thinks you are a nice person. This could also mean that she likes you.

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It means you have no boobs :( And it means that he is not a very nice person.

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Can something mean a person?

No. "Something" means what it says, a "Thing". "Someone" means a person!

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If someone says they are very fond of someone else it usually means that they really like that person as a friend. It does not usually mean that they're them as a boyfriend or girlfriend.

What does it mean if someone says pretty isn't everything?

If someone says that, it means that they think there is more to a person then just looks. They are interested in learning about the person's personality and life, and are not shallow.