Nothing. They could have had something in their eye. Why do little kids always make such a big deal out of people "looking at them" ??
He does like you or it could be that he is actually interested in what you are talking about and is a person who has good eye contact while talking to someone face to face.
Usually a person looking at you while you speak means they are listening to what you say. If he continues to look at you while another person talks or looks mainly at you when he talks, then he probably likes you.
back bitting You might mean talking behind someone's back, and ways to describe that are gossiping, criticizing, "talking someone down," or "dissing" someone... could be betrayal or subversion as well. If you mean actually just standing behind someone and talking, then perhaps grumbling or murmuring or ... being passive-agressive. Often, the term "two-faced" is used to describe a person who talks poorly about someone behind their back, while acting like their best friend while in their presence.
wait. or it is considered rude and she might get mad at you
well they sound like there laughung while talking and then they will get along will them
if they are talking to you while doing an action
It is very rude because you are not giving the other person your complete and undivided attention, and if that person finds out you are playing on the computer while you are talking to the other person, the other person will be very mad because it is extremely rude to do something else while that person is talking to you. If you are bored talking to the person, make up an excuse or just don't pick it up, because it is rude to talk to someone and do something else, and they will think that you are bored with them. It is not okay.
She's not interested in you.
"You" is used to refer to the person or people being spoken to, while "they" is used to refer to a third party or group of people not directly involved in the conversation.
When a person is dating and looks at both personality and looks in a partner is considered to be well rounded. In dating some only look on the outward while other rely only on personality. It is important to have both in a mate.
it's a boyfriend that's the answer fur that one
usually she curls her hair with her finger while talking to you she looks directly into your eyes