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He likes you! If any guy asks for you to dance with you and he really liked it it means hes interested girl! See if he acts weirdly nice a round you, if he does then go for it! Oh, and, for more information on if he likes you ... for more GREAT info on if he likes you, ask his and your friends! Good luck!

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13y ago
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14y ago

Possibly. It depends on many things including the following.

  • Did you ask her, or did she ask you to dance?
    • If you asked her, look for her reaction. If she blushes or giggles nervously, she probably likes you.
    • If she asked you, she either has a lot of courage and likes you... or if you are somewhat of an outcast, and she is just being nice.
  • How is she slow dancing with you?
    • If she has her arms around you and is allowing you to pull her close, she may like you. Unless she does this with every guy she dances with.
    • If she is looking into your eyes, she probably likes you.
    • If she is keeping you at arms length, she probably doesn't like you- or is just really shy.

Well if you are a teenager and she keeps you at arms lenght that doesn't always mean she doesn't like you, i danced with this guy in middle school and i kept him at arms lenght but only because we were surrounded by our friedns (if they weren't there i would have pulled him closer) :P - Elizagirl246

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16y ago

Depends..... if your attractive then possibly. If your not then it couldve been because he was being rude and just trying to be funny.also look at the way he dances with you

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Q: What does it mean when a guy wants for you to dance?
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i think you mean save a dance for me. and it means he wants to dance with you. he is probably leaving and really wants to dance with you so he doesn't want you to leave before he has the chance.

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It means he wants to dance with you. (No offense intended, but duh.) It may or may not mean any more than that; you'd have to ask the guy in question.

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Usually, it means he wants to ask you to the dance but he is too afraid of rejection. Ask him to the dance instead. It means that he wants to go to the dance with you. And there is a possibility that he may like you, but it depends on the situation before.

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What does it mean when a guy asks you to slow dance with him on guys choice?

He wants to dance with you, that's what it means. He probably thinks you're pretty, too. There might not be any other emotions involved, but you can never know for sure.