It can mean that they know that they're not good enough for you. That they believe that they are a lower standard than you are.
Or it could just be something they say to be nice :)
to many people that i know say that it means that the guy isn't worth staying with and that he is somone that doesn't deserve a good women which he does deserve one
you dont hes not ment for you he sounds like a loser.
It means, he cannot provide the happiness that you deserve. Move on!
Forget him then! You deserve better.
he wants to get to know u better
sorry to say but this guy just doesnt deserve you if he doesnt feel the same way that you do, you could obviously find someone better than him
He is not the one for you, you deserve a boyfriend that can say he loves you and shows it, believe me there is a boy out there but the guy your with is just not the one for you. And you could do much better.
i think it might be a dis.
If they are nice like you say they are then they are being modest and say that they don't deserve you to make you feel special. The voice of experience says it is a nice way of saying they are not interested. I'm sorry but that's the truth. Find the better guy.
Move on u deserve better than that.