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sorry to say but this guy just doesnt deserve you if he doesnt feel the same way that you do, you could obviously find someone better than him

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Q: When you like a guy and he says I just want to be friends?
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If you like her, then say, "that's great, I like you too." If you only want to be friends with her, then say,"that"s great, but I just want to stay friends."

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John Micheal Montgomery-FriendsHas a line You Just Want To Be Friends

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It means they just want to be friends for ever, and they can tell you anything and turn to you for anything

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Yes, He just doesnt want to admit it around his friends.

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She just wants to be friends and not rush anything. She may like you, but she doesn't want to rush anything in case it goes wrong. Just be friends is better then nothing at all !:)

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Tell him you want to be just friends.

What does it mean when a guy says i don't want a relationship i want to build a friendship?

he obviously doesnt like you. just walk away or hang up the phone or dont answer his text if he says that to you.

You are 11 and you really like this girl and you want to tell her but if she says no you still want to be friends with her?

Maybe, but NO. Just tell her you like her and see what happens. You do not need to ask her out straight away at your age. Talk with her !

If you like this girl and she does not like you but says i am a good friend. What does that mean?

It means she just wants to be friends. She doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but wants to gently tell you she doesn't want to ruin your relationship.

What do you do when a guy says he wants to be just friends but says it in quotation marks such as We are always going to be just friends?

He is highly not interested in you. Being 'friends' means he might not even want to talk to you and you're more of a nuisance to him.

If a girls want to be friends and she like you and you like her?

She probably doesn't like you if she just wants to be friends

How do you pronounce I want your love and i want your revenge i want your love i dont want to be friends?

Just listen to the song, she says it right...