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He's attracted to you and he's experienced erect penis.

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11mo ago

When a guy says he's "sprung" over you, it means he is strongly infatuated or enamored with you. He may feel deeply attracted and emotionally invested in the relationship.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says hes sprung over you?
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What does it mean when a guy says he's sprung over a girl?

It can mean either two things. The first is that he is madly in love with her and the second is that he gets turned on by her (his penis rises) .

What does it mean when a girl sprung on a guy?

She wants to get all hot and sweaty over him, and basically she is just frothing at the gash.

When a guy says you have me sprung is that good or bad?

Hell Yeah its good alright, he's into you.

What does get sprung mean?

It's slang for when a guy gets an erection.

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it means he likes you. dont over analize anything a guy says

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When a guy says that he would bend over backward for a girl he fancies, it means that he would do anything to keep her happy.

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What they mean is that your relationship is overthat you were dating and that you are not dating anymore that she found a new guy.

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It means he is glad you are over him. or that he likes you but doesnt want to screw up wat you have

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The cast of Sprung - 2013 includes: Daniel Bonner as Other guy Max Randall as Other guy Jackson Treadray as The guy

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If a guy did not like you, he would not want to come over.

If a guy says that you are pretty does that mean a guy likes u?

If a guy says that you are pretty it does not mean that he likes you. He could like you, or he could just be paying you a compliment.