If he says he needs time because his ex is giving him grief then that means he is totally NOT over his ex
your boyfriend wants to know he can trust you ex: you got me if i fall
no because most likely he wants to get back wiht his ex girlfriend. i ama guy and i have seen this first hand but i have never done it
-It just depends on where/how he says it.! (2 examples below) (1. Ex: If you're dating a clean freak and you're NOT as clean as he is and he says, "You make me nervous" It means you need to improve.!) (2. Ex: If you're talking to a guy who's shy and he says, "You make me nervous" It means he likes you.!)
it means he is a nice guy that wants you to know that he says "hi". Nothing more.
It means ur in trouble and u should talk to him
the guy feels okward.....wouldnt you ?the point is some guys could be confused on where or who they can tend to choose who they want to be with
it means she does love u and u will go out again
it mean he still has feelings for you!! :P
It sounds like he's hoping his ex will take him back but he's keeping you around just in case she doesn't. This is not fair to you, in my opinion.
get her jealous or tell her how you feel
Why are you still calling her if the relationship is over?