he either likes you, wants to cheer you up, or is being sarcastic.
It means the guy asked at the wrong place and should search for better place to ask their
He likes you. I would go on another date with a guy that got out to hug me!
hug him tight? obv
A Hug, or a Favorite Team shirt?
Maybe she just didn't want to give you a hug! Or she could or been in a rush. You could have said something to anger or annoy her. Ask her!
it means he loves you
Just give him a one hander hug. Lean over and give him a quick hug so he doesn't notice anything weird and feel bad about his height.
Just hug him. He won't interpret as awkward, unprofessional, or unwanted. Guys like hugs.
A kiss,a hug,or a saying of "Ilove you with all my heart(name of guy)________."
well i think if they give you the long and tight hug with both of their arms that means they might be a little interested in you !
I think he likes you! :D