Maybe she just didn't want to give you a hug! Or she could or been in a rush. You could have said something to anger or annoy her. Ask her!
Well it wouldn't really hurt anyone, Just cause you hug somebody who has a girlfriend, doesnt mean that they're cheating or anything, so go for it girl. You can hug him.
He probably just feels a genuine affection for her.
you know when she doesnt talk to you that much and she doesnt let you hug her or kiss her and she runs away alot that's when you know she has another boyfriend
When you first see her If she seems uncertain of herself If she's cold If she says something really nice or sweet to you Always when you say goodbye
It means that he is being a stupid cockface just like every other boyfriend in the world. Or you need to take a shower....JK.=)
Well usually when a guy hugs you its eaither a goodbye hug or a hello hug if its a hello hug, just hug him back then start a conversation like so whats up, how is your day going , etc. If its a goodbye hug just hug him and say well it was nice talking to you ,or bye have a nice day, or you can just say bye and smile :) hope that helps.
It means you really like him alot and that you wish that could happen.
yeah of course its ok
start by talking to her, spending time with her. put ur arm around her. hug her whenever you guys say hi or goodbye. and most importantly, TREAT HER GOOD
Absolutely, as long as it just a friendly hug.
* Put your arms around her am hug tight like a good young man
give her flowers and a hug