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When a guy looks at a girl it can mean many things

  1. He like's her
  2. Their going out already
  3. He feel's the need to like her alot

These things somtimes appear on telivision to so there can be many exclamations for it and why mostly it's because the boy likes the girl

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14y ago
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11mo ago

It could mean various things, such as finding her attractive, being interested in getting to know her, or simply making eye contact by chance. Interpretation would depend on the context and the guy's body language.

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14y ago

It means he wants to tear you up!

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16y ago

i think it means hes gay

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Q: What does it mean when a guy looks at a girl?
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If a guy looks at a girl when she is not looking, that does not always neccessarily mean he likes you! Hope this helps! =)

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Not necessarily.

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As a guy, this would probably mean that he has SOME feelings towards the girl. If the "girl" is you, then you should probably trust your own feelings, not some website. Good luck! probably that's how i act only when i really like a girl usually but not everyone is the same so if you like him ask him out not every guy has enough to ask

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it means she likes him

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a girl who looks like a guy Yeah, what he said. -Robertpattinsonsgirl-

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She could be flirting with you or just being mean.

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It means that the guy has a crush on the girl but he is has too much pride to admit that to his friends.

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It means a guy is check out a girl.

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It means that he likes the the girl, or it could just mean that they're close

What does that mean if a girl sits at different places on stage in every concert and a guy will always looks for her and stares at her and prolongs it before they play?

It could mean he likes the girl

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i will answer your question with mine why would you want to know that