i means he likes you !i mean duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.hes always encouring you because he wants you to be the best you can be and also he wants you to be mich better than what he thinks you alredy are!
This is a tongue twister. And no.
It's encouraging. he's interested enough to go out of his way.
that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl. that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl.
Not always, but most common that you will be pregnant.
You prObably like him (:
he is a goofy guy or most likely he likes you!
It sometimes means that he likes you, but not always.
It probably means that either the guy who likes you can tell that you like the other guy or that he simply likes to fight with the guy for a reason not related to you at all.
it means they will always love you i gussed.
He wants you to get him something.
it means you are always a woman to him.