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It sometimes means that he likes you, but not always.

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Q: If a guy acts mean to you does it mean he likes you?
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How could a girl they a guy she likes them?

If she acts weird around the guy she likes that means she like him if she stares at him it cud mean she likes him if she seems shy around him that cud mean she likes him also

What does it mean when a guy acts like he likes you then just kind of ignores you?

He likes you but wants to know if you like him too.

What does it mean if a guy acts like he likes you but when people ask him he says that your obsessed with him?

it means that he likes you too, he notices you a lot.

What does it mean if a guy says and acts that he likes you but wouldn't give you his number?

It means he wants you, but he has a girlfriend.

What does it mean when a guy tell you he likes you but acts like a jerk?

it means that he is not telling you the truth and that he is lion

What does it mean if a guy acts like he likes you then doesn't seem interested when you want to hang out?

He is nervous

What does it mean when a girl acts flustered and looks away when a particular guy looks at her?

it means she likes him

This guy at your school acts like he really hates you does that mean he likes you?

it really depends on how he acts around other girls if he only acts mean to you, it's more likely he likes you than if he's mean to everyone where as if he's only nice to you, and mean to other girls, he prob likes you too. hope i helped good luck!

What do you do if a guy who likes you knows that you know but still acts mean to you?

You play it cool. Act as if you dont know he knows.

When a guy knows you like him and he says cool to it but then acts like he likes you after and all that and used to like you but then denies it to some people but tells my friend what does that mean?

It means the guy likes you.Go out with him have fun.

How do know if a guy likes you?

if he acts like he doesn't

What if a guy only acts like he likes you when his friends arent around?

if a guy acts like he likes you but only when his friends are gone then that means he is embarrassed and you can probably do better.