She might like you :) if you are the only one she does that with, she muust like you...but if it is always with everyone, she just using you.
It means that she likes you and thinks that whatever you just did is cute. Trust me, I'm a girl so I would know! Good Luck with the girl! (p.s. she could have been laughing at you, too.)
Actually, nothing! They could just be playing...its not like they are in "love"
wiley is a shortened version of William. it's meant to be a guys name but just because it's meant to be a guys name doesn't mean it has to be. if you really want to name a girl wiley go ahead.
Girl and boy making a baby
If a girl calls you a stud its a relly good thing. It means she thinks your hot, attractive and bad azz
When a girl blushes is generally means she likes you.
That they like diggs u an um ur in trouble O___O
Well if she blushes GREEN than that isn't normal.
It means that he likes the the girl, or it could just mean that they're close
It means she likes you
she likes you alot
ok, most likely if a girl blushes its because she either doesn't konw what to say or she thought of something warming
There is a meaning when a girl blushes when you have just kissed her. It means she really enjoyed it and really liked it and she likes you.The meaning is obvious.
UMMMM.. Are You INSANE... She totally likes you blushing is useually a sign of crushing. This coming from a girl that blushes at guys alot
most likely you
Because They Like You
It means she likes you!