It means that she likes you and thinks that whatever you just did is cute. Trust me, I'm a girl so I would know! Good Luck with the girl! (p.s. she could have been laughing at you, too.)
A possible name for a laughing dog could be "Giggles" or "Chuckles."
Girl and boy making a baby
If a girl calls you a stud its a relly good thing. It means she thinks your hot, attractive and bad azz
He wants to hump her
He only had sex with here
That she is ticklish.
she does like all lot
She fancies you but is to shy to say it
She likes you
it probably means either she likes you too (if she is blushing) or she thinks your a weirdo.
you should ask her out is what!
**giggles** ask her out!
hes a boy cause he tried to kiss giggles one time and hes a boy cause he likes giggles (the female pink chimpmunk is giggles)
1. shes checking you out or 2. shes thinking about you and looking at you ,and you just caught her and shes giggling because she was caught in action
Dude it means she liked the compliment nothing more nothing less
it can either mean 1. she likes you too 2. she knows you like her and she doesnt like you but she thinks it is funny or 3. it could mean nothing at all
If when you say hi she giggles or smiles or both