It simply means she likes sex and reaches pleasure in the type of position. She also may like being dominated during sex, likes distance during sex as well.
When a girl expresses interest in the doggy style position during sex, it may indicate that she enjoys the physical sensations or finds it pleasurable. It could also suggest a desire for deeper penetration or a sense of submission or intimacy in that position. Communication with your partner is important to ensure mutual understanding and enjoyment.
It means that she likes you and thinks that whatever you just did is cute. Trust me, I'm a girl so I would know! Good Luck with the girl! (p.s. she could have been laughing at you, too.)
You're making her a little nervous. And she probably likes you. (Either that, or she doesn't know you're alive, her thumbnail is bugging her, and she's biting it off.)
It is the person which likes the pain.
Those my friend are either mixed signals. It could be good because she wants to sit next to you or it could be bad because it could mean she doesnt have any room and is forced to sit next to you.
The guy may be trying to grab the girl's attention and make her laugh by dancing in a funny way. Staring at her could indicate that he is interested in her reaction or trying to gauge her interest. However, it's important to consider the context and the girl's comfort level with the situation.
Doing the dirty from behind.
It could mean that he likes the girl that likes him. :)
That means the boy likes the girl What elsa does that mean.
That means he girl likes you and answer that question by telling the girl something she likes to do. If you don't know what the girl likes to do then you're a goner
she likes you alot
The girl could be implying by saying she likes you pupils that she really likes you eyes.
she probly likes him
Doggystyle was created on -19-10-01.
It means the girl likes getting you horney.. she thinks its funny
he will try to be mean to her because she does not whant the girl that he likes her.
That doesn't always mean she likes you, but she might be interested.