Probably when you have a girlish feature ( clean cut, nice eyes, soft lips). Try losing a couple fights, then maybe you'll get that desired rough man look
I may be wrong, but studies have shown that when a girl calls you pretty, she thinks you're pretty. I'm not trying to be sarcastic - same way how a guy can see if a guy is attractive to other girls, girls tell other girls whether or not they are attractive to many guys.
When a guy calls a girl he was seeing an ugly, skinny rasher. It means that he is upset or angry with that girl.
They usually mean that you are a cool, pretty, outgoing girl. It may also mean that you are a dancer that plays in the background of Music Videos.
It means he thinks ur a little pretty or just pretty
It means she bugs
he likes her
she wants the D
He forgot your name.
I am a GIRL. That means they are FLIRTING with you! Congrats!
It probably means the guy likes looking at the girl's butt.
A minx is a flirtatious girl who is spirited and a little bit mean.
When she talks alot.