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It probably means the guy likes looking at the girl's butt.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy calls a girl his butt buddy?
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What does it mean when a girl calls a guy buddy?

It could honestly mean anything. Some girls call guys they like her buddy to make things less awkward. Some girls actually consider the guy her buddy. It means she thinks of them as friends.

What does it mean when your friend calls you boy I call my friend buddy and at times he calls me boy. What does it stand for.?

It is slang or gangsta for kid or buddy.

What if does it mean if a friend calls you their girl?

Typically it means that she is exclusively yours. A girlfriend is the typicall label but she may mean your buddy as well. to desifer it simply ask her!

What does it mean when a girl calls a guy her buddy?

It could honestly mean anything. Some girls call guys they like her buddy to make things less awkward. Some girls actually consider the guy her buddy. It means she thinks of them as friends.

What does it mean when a girl calls someone THAT GIRL?

"THAT GIRL" is not a good term..

What does it mean if a girl has a nice butt?

nothing really. she just has a nice butt that's it =]

Your boyfriend calls you hot and hits your butt every day what does that mean?

He thinks your hot.

If a girl giggles when you grab her butt what does it mean?

That she is ticklish.

What does it mean when your boyfriend calls you buddy?

It could mean he is trying to be cool and copies people he hangs out with or it could mean that he is trying to be cute. It's not bad at all that he's calling you buddy. It could be a nickname.

What does it mean when a truck driver calls you buddy?

Nothing out of the ordinary. If they say "good buddy" on the CB, it's a term which has come to be used as a reference to a homosexual. But just plain "buddy" means nothing it doesn't mean from anyone else.

Does it mean there is no chance of anything more if a guy calls you buddy ever once in a while Details please?

no it usually means he doesnt like you. If I were to call a chick my buddy, i would only like her as a friend because guys wouldnt call a girl they really like their " buddy". Its more like a male friend thing to call each other buddy.