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yes you can act like them flirt in front of them drool in front of them. that same guy will go nuts when you put up a challenge

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Q: What does it mean to act like a man?
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Is a woman a man?

No, it can't really be that answer. There's two sides, man or woman. You are born usually just one gender. If you mean "Does a man act like a woman?" Well, if they are gay, perhaps. If the man thinks they are the opposite gender of what they were born to be, and have surgery to look and act like a woman, yes. But no it is very unlikely to have a man a woman.

Is a man a woman?

No, it can't really be that answer. There's two sides, man or woman. You are born usually just one gender. If you mean "Does a man act like a woman?" Well, if they are gay, perhaps. If the man thinks they are the opposite gender of what they were born to be, and have surgery to look and act like a woman, yes. But no it is very unlikely to have a man a woman.

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That means that you are very beautiful, and that you act as if you were not a man :)

How to act like a man?

Start by being mature.

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Act like a lady always ,around the kids

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What do you mean by think like a man of action act like a man of thought?

This is one of my favorite quotes. I take it to mean that when you're planning something, don't get caught up in the process so much that you forget that your philosophies need to eventually materialize to a plan of action. When you act, don't do it carelessly but think through what you do so that you are more apt to respond than react.

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like do not be like stupid but you are not

How do you get a girl not to like you?

Act mean or rude to her. But as a guy, I'd recommend you to man up and tell her you don't like her. It is rough, but it is way better than teasing her, which would make her think that you like her.

What does sandwich act mean?

It means you dress up as a sandwich and act like one, as in you act like going to be eaten.

Book by Steve hervey?

Act Like a Lady,Think Like a Man