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This is not discharge, this is known as 'old blood'. This occurs just before and after the red stuff appears. It goes brown because it has been sat in the uterus for a while and goes an off colour. It is perfectly normal and is extremely common and part of the menstural cycle and flow.

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Q: What does it mean if you have brown discharge before and after your period?
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What is brown discharge a couple of days before your period mean?

this is just a discharge from your body it nothing to worry about it. if it keeps occurring seek an professional helps!

When a brown vaginal discharge comes out does that mean that i still have my period?

Brown vaginal discharge can be related to your period, it's known as spotting and caused when blood mixes with discharge and takes time to leave the body (thus going brown). It can occur just before or after your period, light periods may be only light spotting like this, or brown discharge can be an indication of bleeding for other reasons like hormonal imbalance or ovulation spotting.

What does it mean when you have brown discharge and severe pain in your lower ab area?

your on your period

What does it mean when you have brown discharge couple days before your period?

brown discharge a few days before your period is totally normal. this may sound gross, but it's old blood from your last cycle, its your body just getting rid of it to get ready for the new uterine wall and blood coming. hope that helps!

What does it mean if you have brown in your underwear I am 13 and I havent had my first period and I found brown discharge in my underwear that looked like poop almost What does this mean?

This could be the beginning of your first period.

Is it normal to only get the brown discharge instead of your period for the last two months for a virgin teenager?

yes its normal , if your period is late you can have brown discharge also it happens after periods and it mean its cleaning out your vagina and old blood looks brown.

What does it mean when your on your period and brown discharge comes out instead of blood?

It's still just menstrual fluid. This happens a day or so before you really start bleeding, and it tends to be brown at the end of your period. Older blood turns brown. Your period is more than blood. It's totally normal.

If 2 days ago you had brown discharge on your panties could that mean something?

Brown isn't bad; it is just leftover from your period...

What does brown discharge at end of period mean?

It's just the vagina cleanin itself out, nothing to worry about.

What does it mean if you are on the Nuva ring and expecting your period and are having brown discharge?

When you're on hormonal birth control, the amount and color of withdrawal bleeding may be different from your period when you're not on birth control. Brown discharge counts as a period when you're on the pill, patch, or ring.

What does it mean if your discharging brown?

I am asuming that you havent had your period before, so it would be spotting. Your really close! At first discharge is white and later on it gets brown because some blood is in it. If you are expirencing itching, you might have an infection.

Is the brown discharge mean that your next period is coming?

Brown discharge is spotting, light bleeding taking time to leave your body and mixing with discharge. Spotting can occur as your period starts, or it can be a result of many other things such as mid-cycle spotting around ovulation due to irregular hormones.