Spotting usually happens when a woman was pregnant, and lost the baby/had a miscarriage early in the pregnancy.
Brown spotting after a period means that your just coming off and it happens for a day or two after your period its no big deal so dont freak out!:]
It means that your period is just starting to finish up. So the little spotting that you get means closure. If the bleeding last more than a week ask a doctor. But know that everybody does not have spotting after periods so if you are one of those people dont worry.
I dont think you can but you can have spotting which may confuse you for your menstral. Spotting is much lighter then ur actually period.
No. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.
what does it mean when you start spotting 6 days after your period has ended
why am i spotting after my period
Spotting is just when there are small amounts of blood in your discharge. If this is just before your period then it is likely just the start of your period.
Like your blood is on your underwear while you have your period.
Spotting is normal before your period - your period doesn't just suddenly start, it starts slowly at first so only small amounts of blood will leave your body, this is spotting.
If your spotting one day, then get your period the next day, that would indicate that your are NOT pregnant...
Then it probably isn't your period. Sounds like spotting