The only reason you wouldn't be a virgin would be if you had sex with someone. Some people say it has to be vaginal sex (as in a penis entering the vagina), and others say that oral sex would take away your virginity.
At the beginning, when you first get you're period, it's very likely that it won't follow the 28 day schedule. It usually doesn't start to become regulated until your mid-twenties or even thirties. Even then, you may not be regular - stress affects your period, as does health.
no, did you get your period?
A virgin is someone who has not engaged in sexual intercourse.
It means ur Lonly
No, it just means your period isn't stable just yet. I used to have my period twice a month before I got on birth control to regulate it. It doesn't mean you're pregnant just because you're getting your period every 3 weeks instead of every 4 weeks.
It means that you had your period twice. You're supposed to menstruate around every month.
it means something can be wrong with your ovaries go to the doctor :)
Just irregular or hormone off balance
no it is every 28 days not months..look on the internet if you're still unsure
This may mean ur cycle is changing because as for myself I usually get my period with in every 26 days in a month but recently it has been changing to every 28 days in a month so keep tract of ur period and remember some month's have 31 days so it is normal to get ur period twice in one month. I hope this helps
An off and on period is when one month you have it then the next month (s) you don't that's all it means.
It means your weird ....
Time of the month. Time of month. = a period.