It can mean 3 things:
yeah he does (flirting)
This means that this guy loves you and really wants i to work out with you and him.....
Praying is the only solution...
If he tries to change the subject when you talk about dat guy you like, or gets mad or If he compares himself to the guy you like and acts weird when the guy you like is around you.
When girls are mad at a guy, it makes the guy insecure. They don't like feeling insecure. To fix their problem they try to make you happy.
"There is a method in my madness!" is when someone tries to explain that their plans or actions, though they may appear mad to an observer, is planned and not mad at all.
there might be another girl or u did something to make him mad like flirt with another guy
because wario liked her so walugi tries to make wario mad
To date another guy to make the one your dating mad
dont be to mad all you have to do is make his life really bad
cause the constantly make fun of her.
He's trying to soften the blow and make himself look like a good guy. He doesn't want you to be mad at him.