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Either the guy is interested in that girl, or he just was interested in what she was saying.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

It could mean he is interested in her or finds her attractive. It could also mean he is simply paying attention to the conversation.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy stares at a girl when she is talking to somebody?
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What does it mean if the girl you like stares at you in class?

If the girl you like stares at you in class, it could indicate that she is interested in you or finds you intriguing. It may also mean that she is simply deep in thought or curious about you. It's best to observe other behaviors and communication to get a clearer understanding of her feelings.

What does it mean when a girl stares at you for a long time?

It is normally considered rude to stare at people, so if a girl stares at you for a long time, this suggests that she is not well behaved. Possibly she is overcome by lust and longs to mate with you. Or she is just trying to figure out why your hair looks like that.

What does it mean when a guy stares at a girl far away says hi to her nervously then runs away?

It could mean that the guy is shy or lacks confidence in approaching the girl directly. His actions suggest that he may have feelings for her but is unsure how to engage with her.

What does is mean if a guy you stare at stares at you back then his friends look?

It could mean that the guy noticed you staring at him, and when his friends look in your direction, they might be teasing him or trying to figure out why he caught your attention. It could also indicate that they are observing his reaction to being stared at. These reactions can vary based on the individuals and the situation.

What does it mean when a guy says your uglyand he stares at you?

It could mean that he is trying to bully or intimidate you. It's important to ignore such negative comments and not let them affect your self-esteem. If the behavior continues or makes you uncomfortable, consider talking to a trusted adult or authority figure.

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Does it mean the guy likes the girl if he always stares and looks into her eyes when they talk and stares when she's talking to somebody else and suddenly poked the girl before they knew each other?

It can...... I think you should ask him. Selahgirl ........... yes, know you LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT..billy

If a girl constantly stares at you but has a hard time talking to you does this mean she loves you?

It could mean she likes you, but not necessarily loves you.

If a girl is talking to a boy and that boy stares at you and not paying attention to the other girl what does that mean?

it means that he doesnt lyk u move on and get a life !!

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eye and your talking to?

there is love

What does it mean if a guy stares into your eyes while he is talking to you but then occasionally stops talking like looses his train of thought but still stares into your eyes?

He likes you.

What does mean when a boy stares at a girl?

Then she probably likes him.

If a boy is talking to someone and he stares into your eyes and smile at you what does that mean?

he is liking you

What does it mean if a boy stares at you sometimes?

he might like you or hes talking about you

What does it mean if a girl stares at a group of boys for a whille then stares at you we you are not looking at her?

she likes you or you have something funny or disgusting on you

There's a girl that stares at me does this mean she likes me?

yes if a girl stares at u all the time that shows that, possibly she like u yes if a girl stares at u all the time that shows that, possibly she like u

If s girl stares at you does this mean she just wants to be friends with you?

If a girl always stares at you, it means that she is interested in you. Something about you she finds intersting. You should talk to her.

What does it mean when a girl just stares at you?

She probably likes you dude