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Having both ears pierced means nothing for either gender, it's a personal expression with no preset meaning by intention or design. The whole left right ear thing died back in the early seventies, With the modern piercing movement even the thought of implying sexual orientation by the type of placement of piercings could result in serious personal injury due to stupid assumptions. Besides the obvious rudeness and ignorance implied by such a statement. There are simply no piercings that denote a persons sexual orientation, they are just piercings, nothing more nothing less.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy has both his ears pierced?
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What does it mean when a guy gets both of his ears pierced or his right?

If a guy gets his right ear pierced it means he is somewhat gay. If both ears happen to be pierced then he is also gay. So be sure when a guy gets his ear pierced that he gets his left pierced.

What does it mean if a guy has his left ear pierced?

It means he's a guy who likes to wear an earring. A lot of guys get their left earlobes pierced; in some places it's about as common for a guy to have his left ear pierced as for girls to have their ears pierced--and most girls have pierced ears.

What does it mean when a man wears earrings in both ears?

Well he has both ears pierced and he's probably a nice guy, but you wouldn't want to annoy him. Thinking anything less could get you into a world of hurt. I have plenty of male clients who have both ears pierced, they are very male and very nice people.

Should a guy get both ears pierced?

yes, typically it would be nicer to see a guy have both ears pierced. it looks a bit off balance when one is pierced. and remember this if you plan on getting one ear pierced - the left one is for straight guys, and right one is for gay guys. (its a silent rule)

Should guys get their ears pierced?

There is no reason ( other than personal opinion's) why a guy can't get there ears pierced. In this day and age it's almost common place.

You want to impress chicks should you pierce your ears?

NO! Anyone who would go out with someone or even just be impressed by a guys ears pierced isn`t worth dating! Another reason is that alot of girls parents wouldn`t let them date a guy who has there ears pierced like my dad! So I wouldn`t get them pierced plus if you do get your ears pierced it will hurt! I am a girl and like all girls I got my ears pierced and my sister`s ears got infected when she got her ears pierced and that REALLY HURT!

Should a guy get both ears double pierced?

If you want to, sure. The "gay ear" trend is pretty much extinct and ruled as crap now.

What does it mean when a guy gets both ears pierced?

It means he has style. earings are like accessories just like your belt and your hat, THIS IS 2009. That whole 'gay'' erra was over in 2007 If some trashy kid calls you ' gay ' punch him in his ugly face.

What do you think of a guy with both his ears pierced?

It is entirely up to you. i personally have nine earrings and snake bits so yes. if thats what you would like to do then go for it. i personally went a step further and got snake bites

Is it gay to get both of your eyebrows pierced if you're a guy?

No. Piercings have nothing to do with sexual orientation.

What does earring in mans both ears mean?

Supposedly it used to mean that the man was gay. But this is a very inaccurate stereotype. In the younger generations [and even in the Rock and Roll generations] it is now very popular for a guy to have both his ears pierced. And in the "Emo/Scene Kid" cliques it is also very popular for guys to have nose piercings, single or double labret [lip] piercings and eyebrow piercings.

What does it mean if a guy has a earring in his left ear only?

It's a probability that it is an old school piercing, left ear in males indicated they were not gay. However that's not the case any more because more and more males are getting both ears pierced and that whole gay not gay thing went out the door in the late 70's. That's also the same ear that sailors would get pierced once they achieved the status of ,"able bodied seaman".