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Well he has both ears pierced and he's probably a nice guy, but you wouldn't want to annoy him. Thinking anything less could get you into a world of hurt. I have plenty of male clients who have both ears pierced, they are very male and very nice people.

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Q: What does it mean when a man wears earrings in both ears?
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What does it mean when you peicre both ears?

It means you get holes in both ears to put earrings through...

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"Los aretes" is a Spanish term that translates to "earrings" in English. It refers to pieces of jewelry that are worn on the ears.

Does it mean you are gay if a man wears an earring?

No you can be gay or not gay whether the man wears an earring or not. Earrings do not make you or anyone else gay. It's simply an earring, a bit of decorative wire; it has no magical gay powers. Nor does being gay cause you to wear earrings any more than it makes you wear socks.

Do all American girl dolls have pierced?

If I'm not mistaken you mean pierced ears. No. You have to pay for the dolls to have pierced ears. It is about $14.00. If you ask for pierced ears they will come in a box and come with the pierced ears. You can buy earrings too. For more information go on Youtube and search Stephenswodadancer's videos.

What does it mean if boys have an earing in both ears?

it means that they are bi

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The pearl earrings symbolize the family heritage that has been passed through the generations to your mother, and ultimately, also to you. The earrings relate to the ears and hearing, so the dream might refer to some specific family story or history that you recently heard.

What does the medical abbreviation AU mean?

In each ear; for both ears.

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What does it mean when you have a bump on your earing hole?

The bump inside of your earring hole is usually an indication that you have dirt, lint, debris or etc, inside of your hole. It should be painless which indicates that it is not infected. You just need to clean your earrings and ears with peroxide or alcohol and stick your earrings in your ear in the reverse, it should push the debris out.

What does it mean when both ears are ringing?

When both ears are ringing, it is a condition known as tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears when no external sound is present. It can be caused by various factors such as exposure to loud noise, ear infections, or underlying health conditions.